Thursday, November 22, 2007

The OrAnG AsLi YoUtH CaMp... AmAzIng PeoPle...

hi frenz.. we meet up again... my last blog i was explaining bout sum other camps which i participate in different church's... now im going to tell you about a fantastic n superb camp in Tapah which is The Orang Asli Youth Camp... It's a great camp n I've learnt so many stuffs in this camp. I've met lots n lots n lots of Orang Asli youth frenz.. I've got to knew them n being closer to them so tht they wont feel left out... I also get to knew bout their culture n language during tis camp... somehow i get to learn their language too.. hehehe.. I've aso get to know tht some of my frenz doesnt knw how to write n read coz they didnt hv the chance to go to sch coz their parents couldn't afford them for their studies because thy are poor.. I've teach them n

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